So you’ve just got those stunning locks fitted. But now what? Maintaining that salon fresh look can be really simple but we do need to put in a little bit more work. Whether you’re new to hair extensions or been at this for a while. Here’s a few tips to make the most of your new look.

In the shower

- When washing the extensions, squeeze the hair rather than rub it. Although the hair is of high quality, it has still gone through some degree of processing, affecting the cuticle. Rubbing the hair can raise the outer hair layer, cause it to act a bit like Velcro, tangling together and knotting up.

- Never apply conditioner onto or near the beads. Conditioner inside the beads will essentially lube it right up, increasing the chances of your beads slipping. That will cause a lot of discomfort due to uneven pressure on top of leaving your row hanging.

At the dresser

- Blow dry the hair rather than rough dry it. This ensures the cuticle is laying flat and reduces knots in the hair, leaving it smooth as well as shiny.

- Apply a hydrating oil or serum to the ends of the extensions daily. Hair extensions won’t get the chance to absorb any of the oils you naturally produce. Applying oil regularly will replicate this and keep your extensions in the best condition.

- Always use a heat protector and avoid using hot tools above 180º. Excessive heat can seriously damage the lifespan of your extensions. Think Gemma Collins on Big Brother, Frazzled! A heat protector can make sure your extensions are kept smooth, stops those crispy ends, and is just always a good idea in my opinion.

- Brush the hair regularly, applying pressure at the top of the row by pressing gently with your hand. This reduces tension on the bead. Brushing the hair consistently means the chances of knots is a lot less. Meaning more comfort for you as you wear them as well as ensuring there are no nasty surprises at your next appointment.

In the bedroom

- Always sleep in either a braid or low ponytail. This keeps the hair nice and secure in one place. That way the beads are being pushed and pulled out of place all night.

In the salon

- Make sure to keep on top of your maintenance appointments every 8-12 weeks. Maintenance appointments are essential with extensions. Leaving it too long between appointments can mean you have too much movement on the bead which can lead to tension spots and serious damage to the hair follicle.

Extensions are an amazing way to enhance a style or create a look, but they can be a little work. But by following these simple guidelines they will a lot less daunting. If all of this was a little too much info for one go, you can download the aftercare leaflet and keep it all handy.